Raising $1 Million for Trauma

align your tax-deductible donation with a human being’s movement for

health and happiness

Who are we?

Our vision is to empower those impacted by trauma.

Our mission is to heal and prevent trauma through peer to peer community, connection, education, and wellness.

We are a fiscally sponsored 501(c)(3) non-profit.

Why does trauma matter?

High occurrences of early adversity has a direct correlation on health outcome


2 out of 3

children will experience adversity before 16



more likely to be an alcoholic

20 years

difference in life expectancy



more likely to be depressed


more likely diagnosed with learning and behavioral problems



more likely to be diagnosed with heart disease or lung cancer


more likely to have committed suicide



more likely to smoke

Ours to Choose.

Choose this journey and meet the epidemic of trauma as the path to peace, harmony, and health.


Ours to Heal.

Heal the hardest parts there are to heal.


Ours to Change.

Change the global story of trauma and reclaim the happiness of society.


Ours to Live.

This movement LIVES in all of us and is the calling of this time.

Our Theory of Change

Through our peer - to - peer programs, we heal and prevent abuse and trauma.


Empower the Individual

Share and hear stories =

Break the silence.

Create Community

Get to know others =

Release from isolation.

Education + Wellness

Get resourced =

Learn trauma skills and practices.

Life Integration

Integration + Meaning =

Build physical spaces, skills, and art.


Our Programs


Anonymous No More

A podcast series that tells the story of 24 trauma survivors and reveals the diverse and yet common occurrences of abuse against women, children, and men. The goal is to break the silence that stifles many people who have been abused and empower them and others. Sharing these stories heal the individual and society.


Trauma Empowerment Allyship

(TEA Circles)

Building new relationships based on trust, accountability, and consistency. Create or be matched with a peer to peer support circle with similar experiences. Become apart of the global movement of those who stand against abuse. This breaks the harmful illusion of isolation and creates a community of belonging.


Beautiful Wisdom

Resource portal and programs partnered with physicians, therapists, and peers to share training, education, and wellness practices so that all may access steps to healing and integration. Our programs begin anyone on their path to reshaping and integrating their relationship with trauma. 


Community Events

Discover community healing through our arts and theater programs, special events, and workshops. These events are intended to activate and connects the global trauma community through interactive community programming so we can heal and thrive together.


Get Involved

This movement is for everyone’s benefit and will take a tribe to make the change we wish to see. We celebrate everyone’s super powers and welcome you to join us if you are inspired!

What do we stand for?



of all bodies, minds, and hearts.



against all human violations. 


of all children.



in health, peace, and harmony.


against all beings. 



to heal the hardest parts there are to heal.



Donations of all sizes are tax-deductible